Course Blog

Edible Architecture: Going Back to Nature

We are living in a world where we go to a grocery store, hand over the money, and carry home a bag of bread we do not know who kneaded and baked, tomatoes we do not know how they grew, and cows’ milk we do not know how tender they were milked. More and more […]

Course Blog


The aim of our project is to experiment with mycelium and different kinds of living and non-living materials to generate a new kind of mycelium with different characteristics and that could potentially have different applications or advantages over the regular mycelium. Changes in the characteristics of mycelium as a building material depending on species and […]

Course Blog

Edible Architecture – Redefining Meals

On the Edible Architecture team we have been working hard to develop a feasible method for generating the nutrients needed for a family from within their own home.  We aim to achieve this through a mixture of hydroponically grown fruit and vegetables, and the growth of Cyanobacteria which will feed on waste media from the […]

Course Blog

From a dead husk to a living home

During the midterm presentation, we introduced the core of our design and our vision. We discussed our particular approach: tackling the problem by targeting the individual; in order to permeate the idea of a sustainable ecosystem into people’s psyche. These past few weeks have been dedicated to expanding the concepts surrounding the core of our […]

Course Blog

Realistic Mycelium

Biodesign Blog. As it is common for most similar concepts our project went thought several iteration, before eventual form started to crystallize. Our initial concept was very wide; however, we choose to focus on one aspect of it. Nowadays mycelium is considered a very promising material, however it is used mainly as artists tool, not […]

Course Blog

The Challenge of Letting Go

Existing sustainable building models emphasize control over all aspects of architecture and design. The Living Building ChallengeTM, the most rigorous sustainable building standard that exists today, encourages designers, contractors, building owners, politicians and government officials to create built environments that benefit nature. It encourages “humanity to reconcile the built environment with the natural environment” [1]. […]

Course Blog

Bioluminescent balloon for rescue

The development of our project surrounding the topic ‘bioluminescence’ has moved on significantly since the first weeks of the semester both in terms of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ we are going to achieve. Our initial idea to make a bioluminescent life vest using the marine bacteria Vibrio harveyi. This idea proved to be exceptionally difficult […]

Course Blog

Bioluminescence for emergency rescue

Our group are focusing on emergency rescue when people get lost in the wilderness or got injured when they were night running alone at outside. So, what we want to create is a wearable SOS device which can help people ask for help and keep away from the danger when they get lost. By searching […]

Course Blog

Customizable, Self Healing Clothes – Blog 2

Customizable, Self-Healing Clothes During the course of this project, our design for self-healing / repairing clothes has gone through numerous iterations, with much discussion on the ‘why’. Initially, our design consisted the use of a genetically modified fungus whose growth could be controlled and directed by interacting with a scaffold, with the ‘why’ rather contentiously […]

Course Blog

Bioluminescence for wearable rescue device

  In the outdoor sports, injury and loss the way occurs frequently, especially at night. The rescue team may need to use long time to find them due to the lack of signal. Therefore, how to send the SOS signal efficiently and how to improve the rescued rate for people is our mission.     […]

Course Blog

Freedom of Expression: How can we achieve that?

After battling with multiple ideas, seeking consultations, and taking the comments throughout the semester into consideration, our team have finally decided on the direction to take for our project. We would like to propose an upgraded way of communication and information transfer aided by biology. Currently, freedom of expression is majorly supported by the existence […]

Course Blog

Bio-information ( Information Bacteria)

  We change the direction back to the bio-information. In the recent 5 years, the information explosion exceeded our expectations. The space of human information is now doubling every 18 months (Velshi, 2017). The digital information continues to accumulate higher density and the longer-term storage solution is necessary (Church et al, 2012, p1628). After ten […]