Course Blog Projects Course 2018

Nurture – Growing meals at home

The food production problems society faces The state of global food production is changing rapidly. Our team is attempting to envision how the state of our food may look in 10 – 20 years time and discovering the problems we may face.  As the atmospheric temperature levels rise many negative and unforeseen consequences, and many […]

Course Blog

Edible Architecture – Redefining Meals

On the Edible Architecture team we have been working hard to develop a feasible method for generating the nutrients needed for a family from within their own home.  We aim to achieve this through a mixture of hydroponically grown fruit and vegetables, and the growth of Cyanobacteria which will feed on waste media from the […]

Course Blog

Edible Architecture – The thinking so far

The Edible Architecture group have spent the last couple of weeks exploring how to re-envision the kitchen space as a food creation (rather than food preparation) area.  We imagine a future where the cost of healthy living is rising, and the scarcity of available land means that food is produced further away and at much […]

Course Blog

Edible Architecture Group – Vision for our Project

This past week our group has been researching what potential forms our project could take. We have started from the concept of edible architecture, and explored some of the possibilities contained in that vision. For a while now, I’ve been interested in the trend towards low footprint living.  This concept is being pushed from multiple […]