UK 2029: Post-Natural Artefacts from the United Kingdom of England and Wales Curated by Eva Auer, Sean Greaves and Joseph Revans UK 2029 envisions a future post-Brexit United Kingdom within which legislation regarding the open release of genetically modified organisms is significantly relaxed, helping to kick start a consumer biotechnology sector at the forefront […]
Category: Projects Course 2017
Curated by Karen Campa, Corinna Hartinger, Fabien Florek, Katie Dobberstein Slides documentation Olfact challenges sensory communication by exploring opportunities through human olfactory information, to bring a new dimension to social relationships. This project considers current limitations in human-to-human communication (voice and text). Olfact proposes self-manifestation in the form of human scent aiming to evolve human relationships, […]
by Yuxi Liu, Alejandra Grandon and Kirsty Millar Context In biology the close and prolonged interactions between living beings are known as symbiosis, which, in the past, was restricted for relations where both organisms benefit from the interaction but has a broader meaning now. Multispecies study, a field that tries to understand life on earth […]
We focus on the harmful substances in the air. Today the air pollution has become one of the most serious environmental risks. Young children are especially vulnerable, 570,000 deaths in children under five linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution every year. In fact, children can minimise the harmful effects of air pollution with awareness […]
Nature Authority—Bio architecture designed by microorganisms by Ruobing Hao and Xinwei Du Nature authority Who is the real authority in the world? From the anthropocentric perspective, human consider themselves the center of the universe. They consider themselves the most advanced and intelligent entity in the world. Can we go beyond anthropocentrism? Instead of human-centric worldview, we […]
Panayiotis Pavlides | Muhamad Iqbal | Maia Lyall | Circle Lu What if the responsibilities of growing a baby were shared? Cybele, an interchangeable asexual incubator, envisions an artificial womb as a new mode of reproduction where families take equal part in growing a fetus. With Cybele, parents are able to create and incubate […]
Bio-Data Display
Yu Liu – Design Informatics | Titi Luo – Advanced Design Informatics | Roxana Karam – Architecture How physicalization communicates and elicits reflections on data with the power of biology? Data is ubiquitous and invisible. The interaction using ubiquitous data looks like the way that we are interacting with the physical world. There are many different ways […]