Projects Course 2017

Cybele: An Artificial Asexual Womb


Panayiotis Pavlides | Muhamad Iqbal | Maia Lyall  |  Circle Lu

What if the responsibilities of growing a baby were shared?

Cybele, an interchangeable asexual incubator, envisions an artificial womb as a new mode of reproduction where families take equal part in growing a fetus. With Cybele, parents are able to create and incubate their children on shift without sexual interaction or restrictions of gender. And also, there are possibilities to share carrying the baby responsibility with other partners in an easy way.

At the beginning of fertilization, general body cells such as skin cells are extracted from multiple parents and transformed into gametes by applying iPS and IVG (in vitro gametogenesis) technologies. Later, the edited gametes are intermingled into a synthetic fertilized egg. After culturing the artificial endometrium with self-organisation cells, both the egg and the endometrium are implanted into the womb for a 40-week gestation period. Life supplements are provided through the artificial umbilical cord via blood from the parent to the fetus. During the biological process, the fusion of gametes is asexually conducted in the lab without sexual interaction.


 Biological CommunicationImplantation Process

Physical Communication


In terms of the social communication, parents shoulder the obligations jointly by carrying the womb in turn. Accordingly, all individuals in the process experience the roles of both mother and father, which breaks or blurs the traditionally inevitable relation between the identities of mother and female. Simultaneously, this project speculates on and changes the daily scenario of a family through the asexual reproduction process.



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